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8. Mai 2022  |  ab 20.00 Uhr

Café zähringer

ZÄHRINGERplatz 11, 8001 Zürich

support: dog daughTerz

Mit dem Frühling sind die Krawallkehlchen Riot Robin zurück aus dem schummrigen wohligwarmen Winternest. Mit teils neuen Federn geschmückt zwitschern sie sphärisch kantigen Rock mit fliessenden Melodien und eingängigen Riffs, getunkt in einer Prise Glamour und Opulenz (aso Pop) im alten Gewand des leichten und hedonistischen Widerstandes.



The former Olten band (now Bern) Dog Daughterz took off like a rocket into the live music world. The four-piece band’s calendar was packed with concerts all over the map. For well-known reasons, the train came to a standstill, but the band already had a solution ready: Within a few recording sessions, the first tracks for the now upcoming release were created. Look forward to a mixture of classic garage sounds with new influences and a pinch of heavy riffs. The first album will be released in 2022.

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